Friday, June 12, 2009

Testing Testing 1 2 3

I may be blogging now, but I still refuse to join Myspace or Face Book or any other silly online social networking site - so there! I hope everyone likes the name of my blog! My roomie James and I picked it out. I feel the broad, general heading gives me the option to continue this blog, post bicycle touring trip. I certainly have lots of adventures going on - and maybe you . . . or you . . . or even you . . . want to keep reading about them. Ooooohhh.

For good measure (and practice) I am going to attempt to add a picture. Here last weekend's adventure: Tony and I getting dirty!


  1. Since when did Land Rover start requiring the use of safety helmets! I also would recommend that in the future, you roll up your windows for all water crossings.

  2. I've added you to my blogroll. I can't wait to read about all your adventures!

  3. nice! hey dude, i was thinking, we could... do something diirtyyy, yea...

    //muddy buddy II
