Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lovin' Prague

July 16

As strange as it feels to not be cycling endlessly every day - I don't think my quads and butt could be any happier. I spent my last night in Dublin enjoying dinner and a cabaret show with some new friends from the hostel and then spent Monday packing my bike and camping gear back into a new box. I made it to the airport, no problem, and arrived in Prague right on time! Jan was even at the airport waiting for me. (With a beautiful bouquet of flowers I might add.) It was a quiet Monday night enjoying some wine, before the real sight seeing started on Tuesday. I spent the day walking around the city center of Prague being a diligent tourist - visiting all the must sees. It was incredibly humid and hot on Tuesday, so after dinner we spent the night swimming with friends and drinking beer in the local beer garden. Who know Czech beer was so good?! Wednesday was a leisurely morning reading, thanks to the torrential downpour, but the day cleared by the afternoon- in time for me to explore Wenceslaus Square before the BB King concert last night. The show was superb, especially considering BB King is 83 years old now! He had to sit down for his performance, but his guitar and vocals were still dead on! I had another one of my famously bright ideas - running up the down escaltor out of the tube station. I didn't take into account however the length of the escaltor (longest in the world - I swear!) and as Jan and I was nearing the top, extremely fatigued and starting to stumble) the nice escalator operators took pity on us and stopped the escalator so we could make the final few stairs. All this to loud appluase and cheers from hundreds of onlookers. Today is now Thursday and after another leisurely morning, I am off to Prague Castle - largest in Europe.

The Cabaret Show in Dublin - my last night!

The Astronomical Clock in Prague. The figurines (that you can't really see) move every hour when the clock strikes. Again - visualize the picture horizontally.

A marionette shop - apparently quite popular in Prague.

A picture in the Old Town Square.

Jan and I on the Charles Bridge.

Wenceslaus Square. Note the rainbow in the backrgound - aaahhh.

1 comment:

  1. prague rocks! budweiser is modeled after chechvar, which is considered one of the best beers in the world. escalator sounds like fun! wish i was there!
