Saturday, June 25, 2011

Checkin' In From Swakopmund

June 25, 2011

Hello All! I love Africa, despite the fact that is WAY colder than could I ever expected. It is fine during the day but the nights are freezing . . . especially when your camping. I bought a fine jacket here in Africa for like $10 and it is the best $10 I have ever spent. I am in the fine German town of Swakopmund for another two nights and then back to the bush where I will soon be off on my first game drive! Move out my way lions!

Camping at Highlanders Winery - night one!

Wine tasting at Highlanders! Soo many good sweet wines. . . I honestly thought about trying to trek 42 nights with a few bottles to bring some home!

Our campground at Bushwackers on Orange River in South Africa.

Chris and I "canoeing" down the Orange River in South Africa . . . Day 2.

Day 3 - Somewhere in Namibia. My transport for the next few weeks . . . just don't call it a bus in front of our driver!!!

The armoured ground cricket - half the size of my hand but harmless!

The very hard to find Stone Cricket!

The thick tailed scorpion - most venemous in all of Africa. And to think we found all these creepy crawlies in just a few minutes at a random stop in the desert . . . much like where I will be setting up my tent.

Canon Road House - our campground for night 3. Don't be fooled by the lush front. This is just the reception and bar. Our tents were set up in the middle of the desert not far from here, just walking distance to the bar!

Me at Fish River Canyon. The world's second largest canyon, after the Grand Canyon.

Beautiful - Fish River Canyon at Sunset - a perfect way to end night 3! Don't be worried I will spare you photos of the creepy crawlies I found on our night walk!

Sossusvlei - Day 3 - the sand dunes of Namibia! Myself, Lauren, Chris, and Ramen on top of Dune 45!

Dune 45 Super Dune Race . . . running 120 meters down a 60 degree sand dune! I took second in the female division! I promise you it is much steeper than this zoomed in photo looks! Needless to say there was much shit-talking going on days in advance for this race.

Who knew the desert could look so beautiful!

Dead Vlei - this is what Sossusvlei will look like when the wind finishes blowing another sand dune across the river that runs to the area in the wet months.

Back Row: Brandon, Lauren, John, Kirsten, Mike, Dana, Juan, Ade, Thommas, Chris

Front Row: Terra, me, Lisa, Clarissa, Helen, Leah, Matt and Ramen . . . my group

Straight out of my geography textbooks . . .

Believe it or not this is still day 4 - we had to break for mountain zebras on our way to Swakopmund, a German town in Namibia.

1 comment:

  1. nice $10 dollar jacket and trees out of a salvador dali painting
