July 20, 2012
From never ending wedding to never ending beach - it has been non-stop days of fun and relaxation with the gang mostly sitting on the beach and trying to survive the 100+ temp along with some boat trips and castles for good measure. And let's not forget the grand re-opening of the biggest night club in Turkey - complete with pop stars and acrobats!
Day 1 - The gang at the beach in Bodrum.
Nate, Tiffany and Novi at our courtyard at Hotel Gulec...
and Tony, Evin and her father . . .
Leule, Ray and Dawn...
and Tron and Neutron complete happy hour. Note Tron's face - now note Neutron's hand behind his head where she smacked him - deservedly so!
Nate, Rebecca, me and Novi relaxing on the beach bean bag chairs enjoying hookah.
Day 2 - The gang opts for a day boat trip! Isn't this what happened to Gilligan?
A Flock of Seagulls . . . not the band.
Boat life on the lower deck.
Boat life on the upper deck.
Synchronized Floating . . . the newest Olypmic Sport.
TADA!!!! Did you fıgure it out???
After a hard day of boating we needed a nice dinner ... table on the sand of course!
After a hard night of eating we needed to go back to the bean bag chairs for digesting . . . on the sand of course!
The grand re-opening of Turkey's hottest night club. Why don't night clubs in America have giant balloons wıth acrobats doing flips???
Kelis!!! "My milk shake brings all the boys to the yard . . ."
Day 3 - Bodrum Castle, which is an underwater musuem.
Tyler and I checking out a castle window.
Sea glass recovered from a wreck off the coast of Bodrum.
Jill and me at the top of the castle.
Turkey Pride!!!!
Good thing there were no archers below.
The hull of a boat brought up from the Agean Sea, only discovered in 1977.
Day 4 - Moto ride with Novi. You can see I dressed appropiately. Whoops.
And the rest of our last day in Bodrum (so sad) was spent lounging by the beach (so good).
Looks like way too much fun! It was.