Tuesday, June 22, 2010

kimono like you own it


A day in Tokyo madnesses and then a day off. Today was an off day and I headed to Lake Kawaguchiko with my new friend Joseph from South Korea. It was a fabulous day spent riding cruisers around the lake, visiting the most amazing kimono museum and hiking up a small mountain. My quickly snapped photos don't even begin to do the kimonos justice, but the Itchiku Kubota Art Museum houses 45 kimonos made by Itchiku himself. His art is so amazing that the Smithsonian in New York changed their rules to allow art from a living artist to be displayed back in the 80's. (He died in 2003 and his apprentices are now finishing his 80 piece planned kimono collection.) I just wish I could I express the detail in each kimono - but if you it gives you a sense - it takes a year to make a kimono, dyed over 30 times, hand painted as well, stitched in some places and textured throughout.

Joseph and I with our newly rented cruisers! Thank goodness our ride was flat because I needed earplugs for the brakes!

I totally took this picture illegally just so you all could see what multiple land scape kimonos look like. There are 2 more kimonos that make up this amazing ocean scene, but someone was coming.

Another photo illegally taken of the most amazing kimonos I have ever seen. I just wished I could have snapped a shot of the Mt. Fuji inspired kimonos!

We stumbled upon the Herb Festival on our ride complete with herb gardens and little old Japanese ladies.

My view while riding around the lake! Jealous much?

One of the sleepy, little towns along the lake that we passed through.

The cute little bunny is about to light the raccoon on fire - no joke - according to legend. Check out the flint in the bunny's paws. This is the story of Mt. Kachi-Kachi - a viewing spot we hiked up today.

The Bell of Tenjo - it says your wish will come true if you ring the bell while watching Mt. Fuji. That is Mt. Fuji right behind the clouds - just like the pics! LOL You can't win them all.


  1. Bummed I missed the herb festival. That sounds pretty cool!

  2. those are some impressive kimonos. glad you didn't use the flash. best to see in person i would imagine. i had some pictures like that from the royal palace in istanbul of some garments that were made as istabul was the center of the silk road. i am surprised they are not protected with casing.

  3. Thanks, Alison. I'm jealous of those views. I bet those bikes weigh 35lbs! Not jealous. Kim
