Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sayonara Suckas


After 24 hours of traveling I made it to Tokyo!!! Albeit a little worn out, but appreciate to be off my butt from the flights and trains. Sara and I spent last night walking through her very cute little neighborhood catching up and alerting me on the dangers of convienence store foods - they hide dried sea life in everything!!!

I got a run in this morning and found myself drenched in sweat within 5 minutes. I guess I don't need to pay for my hot yoga while I am here in humid Tokyo. Today I am off to navigate the rails and districts of Tokyo solo until I meet back up with Sarah for dinner. Wish me luck!

Sara and I outside a little restaurant right around the corner from her house.

This has nothing to do with Japan but . . . Tony and I rockin' the annual Muddy Buddy. Note we did not get disqualified this year setting a new PR for our team!!!


  1. yea! props to TEAM DQ! we actually were there on time this year for the muddy buddy! that was a miracle! and the fact that i had all that crap this year - garmin, camera, alison's baby bike. fun! alison's baby bike rocks with it's disc brakes! and alison rocks too! have fun!

  2. oh yea - don't forget to practice that nihongo!

    ohayoo gozaimasu - good morning (don't use after 10)
    doke e oterai desu ka? where is the toilet?
    watashi was alison wo name desu. my name is alison
    shitsurai desu - i am going to commit rudeness
    irashaimase - welcome
    domo arigato - thank you
    kudasai - please
    ogenki desu ka - how are you
    konichi wa - good day
    konban wa - good evening
    so desu yo! - is it so!

    oh, i miss japan...

  3. Oh man, am I lost. Last I heard you weren't going and now you're there. That will show me to go off and have another baby...my brain is mush. Have a blast! Can't wait to follow all of your adventures. Love to you!

  4. Glad to see you made it safely and are already off having fun! Thanks for blogging!

    Jocelyn :)
