Thursday, July 1, 2010

Discrimination in Takayama

July 1, 2010

After spending days making fun of how Peter eats his way through cities and towns and how he takes photos of all his food like he`s a National Geographic photographer - I have now joined him. The tofu pictures will explain why. What can I say? - I`m a vegan!

Takayama is quaint mountain town famous for it`s old traditional buildings and streets. We spent the day wandering and I spent the night being discriminated against. That`s right - Japan hates people with tattoos. I am not allowed in the onsens, or local natural hot baths, because apparently I may be Yakuza, Japanese mafia, with my tattoos.

I can`t figure out if this grave was for one really important person or if there are just a whole ton of people buried below. Nothing says adventure like cruising the graveyard at dusk with lightening and thunder all around!

The shrine inside our temple. However, there will be no morning prayers while we are here as the monk is in Tokyo right now. Love hotel??? Just throwing it out there!

Peter and I in front of our temple hostel, Zenkoji Temple Inn.

A stellar view of Takayama as we were strolling through town.

Tofu Motherload!!! We had soft tofu, fried tofu, tofu skin, tofu with soy sauce and seeweed, baked black sesame seed tofu, tofu grilled in sweet miso paste and sesame seed tofu. AMAZING!

Jack Pot - Peter and I at the Tofu House Restaurant.

Vats of freshly made miso. Well as fresh as miso can be considering it sits around for a few years to ferment.

The historic streets of Takayama. The stores are filled of soy bean sweets and red bean mochi - yum!

A view from our train, heading towards Takayama.

To continue with weird Kit Kat flavors - here`s miso flavor Kit Kat. I also recently found burnt almond flavor Kit Kat.

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