Monday, July 5, 2010

Hiroshima Loves Peace

July 5, 2010

Some things need no introduction . . .

The Atomic Bomb Dome - the only remaining building from the nuclear bombing.

At the children`s Peace Memorial. Hiroshima receives about 10 million 1,000 paper cranes every year. They have to have special store houses for all the cranes.

Some get creative and make their 1,000 paper cranes into art.

The top of the Children`s Memorial Shrine, which was errected in 1958 for Sadaki Sasaki, the little girl who died of leukemia years after the bomb was dropped. She tried to fold 1,000 paper cranes before her death in hopes of survival.

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. That`s the Pond of Peace in front with all the names of the deceased inside the arc. The A-bomb Dome can be seen in the distance.

My English speaking tour guide for the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Akeyami. She said that Japanese don`t hate Americans anymore, now they just love peace. Phew - what a relief!

My final stop for the day - Hiroshima Castle with another hostel goer, Vladif.

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